About TMI

Technology Mediated Instruction

TMI Services

The Technology Mediated Instruction department operates within the Office of Instruction, and is dedicated to supporting faculty in their usage of educational technology to deliver course content online through Canvas and other supplemental tools.

We Can Help!

TMI staff can assist with a wide variety of instructional technology projects, including course design, content development and production, assessment design, learning Canvas, and a variety of peripheral media and assessment tools.

Please review some of our services below, and feel free to use the links on this page to get more information, have a question answered, or make an appointment for a consultation with our staff.

Instructional Design

The two Instructional Technology Specialists on the TMI team can help you learn how to design and create great online content and interactions, or evaluate and improve existing content.

Good design doesn't need to be complicated!  Even simple improvements to text formatting and minor stylistic elements can can make a tremendous difference in learner comprehension and retention.  Proper use of many basic Canvas tools and their options can to improve course flow and student engagement.

We can help faculty examine and improve course structure and organization, find and utilize the appropriate tools for creating various types of content, designing effective and authentic assessments, and other aspects of course design.

TMI staff can help you with:

  • content creation
  • content evaluation
  • improving instructions
  • text formatting
  • video creation options
  • creating accessible content

Course Development

Building a new online course can be a daunting task!  The process involves a wide variety of skills, and several layers of work to get from start to finish, as well as no small amount of time.  TMI staff can assist you along the way, from initial course structure and module design, developing clear instructions and a solid communication policy, selecting engaging tools and activities for students, and the many other elements that make a good course.

If you are planning to build and teach a new online course, be sure to review the current Course Approval Process and familiarize yourself with the requirements and procedures. 

More info:

Course Development information and resources 

Student Engagement

One of the paradoxes of technology in education is that it can can feel distant, removed and less connected...while at the same time offering a variety of new and exciting ways to engage with students.  TMI staff can help you find ways to bring students closer together, and help them stay on track in your course.

We can assist faculty utilize the various tracking and reporting tools throughout Canvas, including mechanisms that make it easy to reach out to struggling students in a timely fashion.

Accessibility Guidance

Publicly funded institutions have a legal obligation to provide course content that can be accessed by any student who enrolls.  Making your content accessible is crucial to ensuring that your students can access your content, and maintaining compliance with Federal law.

Creating accessible content can be challenging, but is easiest when done at the beginning rather than trying to fix things later.  Let us help you examine your content and learn how best to integrate accessibiilty features now.







TMI Staff

Chris Palmarini

Chris Palmarini

Instructional Technology Specialist


Instructional Technology Specialist


Suzanne Wakim

Suzanne Wakim

Distance Education and Accessible Learning Resources Coordinator


3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville, CA 95965


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TMI Staff